Wednesday 5 December 2012

Gingerblossom* wasn't built in a day

As we reached our stop on the bus home from school today, Z1 had a tantrum that rated 8.5 on the Richter scale. I can't exactly remember what set it off but one of its consequences was that she was not allowed to have the last few crumbs of crisps (chips to you North Americans) in the bag. Another consequence was that she told me that when we got home, she wanted to go to her room to calm down and she would not be part of any Christmassy crafts. A spanner in the works.

By the time we got home, she was, in fact, restored to normal but still wavering on whether she was willing to sit down at the table with me, The Witholder of the Crisps, so I pulled out the big guns and said we'd decorate the gingerbread house. 
Working away
(house hidden by Z2's head)

Christmas, Christmas craft, work in progress, gingerbread, gingerbread house, candy, sweets, decoration, decorating

Z2 was doing the back
Christmas, Christmas craft, work in progress, gingerbread, gingerbread house, candy, sweets, decoration, decorating
Z1 is doing the front
(Also seen: gingerbread snowman
& gingerbread Christmas tree)
Sadly, Trusty*, the gingerbread man owner of Gingerblossom* came to an untimely end when Z2 knocked him off the table. This did solve the problem of the Zeds wanting to eat as they decorated, so his death was not in vain.

Dinner was ready before we managed to finish decorating so here's the work in progress.

*As named by Z1. (I suggested "Cottage" after "Gingerblossom" but she said it was just "Gingerblossom)